Full Service Marketing Agency: A Complete Guide for Hiring the Right Agency.

What is a Full Service Marketing Agency?

A full service marketing agency is a company that provides a wide range of marketing services under one roof. A full service marketing agency can handle everything from strategy, planning, execution, measurement, and optimization of your marketing campaigns across different channels and platforms. A full service marketing agency focused on building a Go to Market (GTM) through omnichannel marketing, i.e., lead generation, branding, web design, content creation, video production, graphic design, revenue marketing, and more.

A full service marketing agency differs from a niche or specialized agency that focuses on one or a few aspects of marketing, such as SEO, PPC, social media, or email marketing. A full service marketing agency can offer a holistic and integrated approach to marketing, ensuring that your position and strategy are consistent and coherent across all touchpoints with your target audience.

Hold on; are you lost in the marketing maze? Pipeline Velocity is your one-stop shop!

Feeling overwhelmed by all the digital marketing jargon? Don’t worry, Pipeline Velocity is here to reduce the noise and deliver results. We’re not just another agency but your end-to-end digital marketing partner, helping you reach your goals across every channel.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): PipelineVelocity.com can help you improve your website’s visibility, traffic, and conversions on search engines like Google and Bing. PipelineVelocity.com can help you with keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, technical SEO, content marketing, and more.
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): PipelineVelocity.com can help you create and manage effective and profitable PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads. PipelineVelocity.com can help you with campaign strategy, ad copy, landing pages, bidding, targeting, tracking, and optimization.
  • Social media marketing: PipelineVelocity.com can help you build and engage your audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. PipelineVelocity.com can help you with social media strategy, content creation, posting, monitoring, analytics, and more.
  • Email marketing: PipelineVelocity.com can help you communicate and nurture your leads and customers through email marketing. PipelineVelocity.com can help you with email marketing strategy, list building, segmentation, email design, copywriting, delivery, testing, and analytics.
  • And more channels

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Why Hire a Full-Service Advertising Agency for Marketing?

Hiring a full service advertising agency for marketing can have many benefits for your business, such as

  • Saving time and money: By outsourcing your marketing to a full service agency, you can save time and money that you would otherwise spend on hiring, training, and managing, and paying multiple vendors or in-house staff. A full-service agency can also leverage its expertise, experience, and resources to deliver high-quality results faster and more efficiently than you could.
  • Accessing a wide range of skills and talents: A full-service agency can offer you access to a diverse and talented team of marketing professionals, each with their skills, specialties, and perspectives. You can benefit from their creativity, innovation, insights, and knowledge of the latest trends, tools, and best practices in marketing.
  • Achieving your marketing goals: A full service agency can help you define and achieve your marketing goals, whether increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, or improving customer loyalty. A full service agency can also help you measure and analyze your marketing performance and provide actionable recommendations for improvement and growth.
  • Scaling your marketing efforts: A full service agency can help you scale your marketing efforts as your business grows and evolves. A full-service agency can adapt to your changing needs and expectations, providing the flexibility and scalability needed to succeed in a competitive and dynamic market.

What’s in the Box? Decoding the Comprehensive Offerings of a Full-Service Marketing Agency

1. GTM strategy and workshop

GTM stands for go-to-market, planning and executing your marketing strategy to launch and promote your product or service to your target market. GTM can help you define and achieve your product-market fit, positioning, differentiation, and competitive advantage.

A full service marketing agency can help you with GTM strategy and workshop by:

  • Conducting comprehensive market research and analysis to understand your target market, audience, competitors, and industry trends
  • Developing a clear and effective GTM strategy and plan based on your business goals, value proposition, and customer journey
  • Creating and delivering a GTM workshop that covers the critical aspects of your GTM strategy and plan, such as your product or service features and benefits, your pricing and distribution models, your marketing channels and platforms, your marketing campaigns and tactics, and your marketing goals, KPIs, and metrics
  • Providing you with the necessary tools, templates, and resources to implement and execute your GTM strategy and plan
  • Analyzing and reporting your GTM performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

2. Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO improves your website’s ranking, visibility, and relevance on search engines like Google and Bing. SEO can help you attract more organic traffic, leads, and customers to your website, which enables you to reduce spending on PPC over time. SEO can also help you build your brand authority, credibility, and trust online.

A full-service agency can help you with SEO by

  • Conducting a thorough SEO audit of your website and identifying areas for improvement
  • Performing High, Medium, and low-intent keyword research and finding the best keywords for your business, industry, and audience
  • Optimizing your website’s structure, content, code, and speed for better user experience and search engine crawling
  • Building high-quality and relevant backlinks from other websites to boost your website’s authority and popularity
  • Creating and distributing valuable and engaging content that attracts and retains your audience and answers their search queries
  • Monitoring and reporting your SEO performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for incremental improvement

3. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

PPC is the process of creating and running paid ads on platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and more. PPC can help you reach your target audience at the right time, place, and context. PPC can also help you generate more immediate and measurable results, such as clicks, conversions, and sales.

A full-service agency can help you with PPC by

  • Developing a clear and realistic PPC strategy and budget based on your business goals and audience
  • Creating and testing compelling and relevant ad copy and landing pages that match your keywords and user intent
  • Setting up and managing your PPC campaigns, including bidding, targeting, tracking, and optimization
  • Analyzing and reporting your PPC performance through ROI and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

4. Social media marketing

Social media marketing creates and shares engaging, educational, and relevant content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to better represent the brand and its offerings. Social media marketing can help you increase your brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty among your audience. Social media marketing can also help you generate more traffic, leads, and customers to your website.

A full service agency can help you with social media marketing by

  • Developing a clear and consistent social media strategy and voice based on your business goals and audience
  • Build positioning themes and monthly calendars by creating and posting engaging and relevant content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to interact with your brand
  • Managing and monitoring your social media accounts, including responding to comments, messages, and reviews
  • Analyzing and reporting your social media performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

5. Email marketing

Email marketing isn’t just about sending newsletters anymore. It’s a powerful tool to capture both potential customers and loyal fans. Imagine growing your audience with irresistible magnets and nurturing those relationships with personalized messages that deliver real value. 

A full-service marketing agency acts as your email whisperer, unlocking the full potential of this channel. We’ll help you:

  • Craft a strategic roadmap: Target the right audience, map their buyer’s journey, and build an email plan that drives results.
  • Attract like a magnet: Grow your email list ethically and organically, turning casual visitors into engaged subscribers who can’t wait to hear from you.
  • Speak their language: Segment your audience based on their interests and needs, then personalize your emails with content that resonates deeply. No more batch-and-blast!
  • Become a storyteller: Craft compelling email copy that grabs attention, sparks curiosity, and motivates action. Forget dry promos; let’s tell stories that connect emotionally.
  • Optimize for impact: Test and refine your campaigns like mad scientists, ensuring every subject line, call to action, and landing page is laser-focused on conversion.
  • Uncover hidden insights: Track your email performance and translate data into actionable recommendations to keep your campaigns ever-evolving.

6. Website Redesign, Conversion Enablement, and Optimization

Imagine a digital oasis—a sleek, user-friendly website that effortlessly guides visitors toward conversion. That’s what website redesign, conversion enablement, and optimization can do for your business. Forget frustrating bounce rates and stagnant visitor numbers. A full-service agency can help you:

  • Uncover Conversion Roadblocks: Conduct a comprehensive website audit, dissecting every user interaction to identify hidden roadblocks like broken links, confusing layouts, or unclear calls to action.
  • Craft the Perfect UX: Draw from SEO best practices and design expertise to create a website as intuitive as a map, with straightforward navigation, compelling headlines, and irresistible value propositions.
  • A/B Testing Playground: Unleash the power of data-driven experimentation! Buttons, forms, pop-ups, chatbots—we’ll test and refine every element to discover the perfect combination that drives conversions.
  • Heatmap Insights: See your website through the eyes of your visitors with heatmaps and analytics. Watch where they click, scroll, and pause, revealing the secret paths to conversion gold.
  • Continuous Optimization: This isn’t a one-time fix. Constantly monitoring your website’s performance, providing actionable insights and tweaks to keep your oasis ever-evolving and conversion-friendly.

The result? A website that’s not just beautiful but also a conversion powerhouse, generating leads, boosting sales, and exceeding your customer satisfaction goals.

7. Content Marketing

Content marketing creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and engaging content that attracts and retains your target audience and drives them to take profitable actions. Content marketing can educate, inform, entertain, and inspire your audience and build your brand authority, credibility, and trust online.

A full service marketing agency can help you with content marketing by

  • Developing a clear and strategic content marketing plan based on your business goals, audience, and buyer’s journey
  • Creating and producing high-quality and original content that matches your brand voice tone, of and style, such as blog posts, ebooks, white papers, case studies, infographics, videos, podcasts, and more
  • Distributing and promoting your content across different channels and platforms, such as your website, social media, email, search engines, and more
  • Optimizing your content for SEO, readability, and conversion
  • Analyzing and reporting your content marketing performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

8. Google Local Service Management

Google Local SEO or Business Management allows local businesses to show up at the top of Google search results when people search for services they offer in their area. It can help you increase your local visibility, leads, and bookings, as well as your reputation and trust online.

A full service marketing agency can help you with Google Local Service Ads management by

  • Setting up and verifying your Google Local Service Ads account and profile, including your business name, location, contact details, service areas, and hours
  • Applying and obtaining the Google Guarantee badge, which shows that your business is screened and approved by Google and offers a money-back guarantee to your customers
  • Creating and managing your Google Local Service Ads campaigns, including setting your budget, bidding, targeting, and tracking
  • Responding and managing your leads, bookings, and reviews through the Google Local Service Ads platform
  • Analyzing and reporting your Google Local Service Ads performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

9. Marketing Automation & Sales Enablement

Marketing automation and sales enablement use software and tools to automate and streamline your marketing and sales activities, such as lead generation, nurturing, qualification, and conversion. Marketing automation and sales enablement can help you increase your efficiency, productivity, and revenue, as well as your alignment and collaboration between your marketing and sales teams.

A full service marketing agency can help you with marketing automation and sales enablement by

  • Evaluating and selecting the best marketing automation and sales enablement software and tools for your business, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, Marketo, and more
  • Integrating and configuring your marketing automation and sales enablement software and tools with your existing systems and platforms, such as your website, CRM, email, and more
  • Creating and implementing your marketing automation and sales enablement strategy and plan, including setting your goals, KPIs, and metrics
  • Designing and executing your marketing automation and sales enablement campaigns, such as lead scoring, segmentation, nurturing, qualification, and handoff
  • Analyzing and reporting your marketing automation and sales enablement performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

10. Account-based marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic and personalized approach to marketing that focuses on targeting and engaging specific accounts or prospects that are most likely to become your customers. ABM can help you increase your relevance, value, and trust with your target audience, as well as your efficiency, ROI, and growth.

A full service marketing agency can help you with ABM by

  • Developing a clear and effective ABM strategy and plan based on your business goals, industry, and niche
  • Identifying and prioritizing your ideal accounts or prospects based on their fit, interest, and behavior
  • Creating and delivering customized and relevant content and messages that address their pain points, challenges, and opportunities
  • Using various channels and platforms, such as email, social media, webinars, events, and more, to reach and engage your target accounts or prospects
  • Coordinating and aligning your marketing and sales teams to ensure a seamless and consistent experience for your target accounts or prospects
  • Analyzing and reporting your ABM performance and providing you with insights and recommendations for improvement

Additionally, Hiring a full-service marketing agency can provide access to expertise in crafting and managing impactful sales materials and support. This includes resources like brochures, presentations, case studies, and more, all designed to communicate your value proposition and persuade customers effectively. With an agency, you gain access to creative professionals, copywriters, and designers who can create high-quality materials tailored to your specific target audience and sales goals. This can take a significant burden off your internal team and reduce the number of lost sales deals, allowing them to focus on core business activities while reaping the benefits of professional sales collateral.

Hiring a Fully functional Inhouse Marketing Team vs Outsourcing?

Hiring a fully functional marketing team can be costly and challenging for many businesses. Hiring a fully functional marketing team can involve the following:

  • Finding, hiring, training, and retaining qualified and experienced marketing professionals, such as strategists, managers, specialists, writers, designers, developers, and more
  • Providing them with the necessary tools, equipment, software, and resources to perform their tasks
  • Paying them competitive salaries, benefits, bonuses, and incentives
  • Managing and coordinating their work, communication, and collaboration
  • Evaluating and measuring their performance and results

According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for a marketing manager in the US is $66,644, while the average yearly wage for a marketing specialist is $50,528. Hiring a fully functional marketing team of four people (one manager and three specialists) would cost you around $234,344 annually, not including the other costs and expenses.

Hiring a full service marketing agency, on the other hand, can be a more cost-effective and efficient option for many businesses. Hiring a full service marketing agency can involve the following:

  • Finding and hiring a reputable and reliable marketing agency that suits your business goals and marketing budget
  • Paying them a fixed or variable fee based on the scope, duration, and results of your marketing projects
  • Providing them with the necessary information, feedback, and approval to execute your marketing campaigns
  • Receiving regular reports and updates on your marketing performance and results

According to WebFX, the average monthly cost of hiring a full service marketing agency in the US ranges from $2,500 to $12,000, depending on the size and complexity of your marketing needs. Hiring a full service marketing agency for a year would cost you around $30,000 to $144,000, significantly lower than hiring a fully functional marketing team.

In-House Marketing vs. Agency: Unpacking the Pros & Cons

One of the common questions that many businesses face is whether to hire an in-house marketing team or an agency for their marketing needs. This question has no definitive answer, as it depends on various factors, such as your business goals, budget, resources, and preferences. However, here are some of the pros and cons of each option that you can consider:

Inhouse Marketing Team Pros & Cons:

You have more control and oversight over your marketing strategy, execution, and resultsYou have more direct and frequent communication and collaboration with your marketing teamYou have more consistency and coherence in your brand message and identity across all your marketing channels and platforms.You have more flexibility and agility to adapt and respond to changing market conditions and customer needs.You must invest more time and money in finding, hiring, training, and retaining qualified, experienced marketing professionals.You must provide them with the necessary tools, equipment, software, and resources to perform their tasks.You must manage and coordinate their work, communication, and collaboration.You have to evaluate and measure their performance and resultsYou may have limited access to a wide range of skills and talents and the latest trends, tools, and best practices in marketing.

End-to-End Marketing Agency Pros & Cons:

You have access to a diverse and talented team of marketing professionals, each with their skills, specialties, and perspectives.
You can benefit from their creativity, innovation, insights, and knowledge of the latest trends, tools, and best practices in marketing.You can save time and money that you would otherwise spend on hiring, training, managing, and paying multiple vendors or in-house staff.You can leverage their expertise, experience, and resources to deliver high-quality results faster and more efficiently than you could on your ownYou can scale your marketing efforts as your business grows and evolves.
You need more control and oversight over your marketing strategy, execution, and results.You need more direct and frequent communication and collaboration with your marketing team.You must trust and rely on their professionalism, reliability, and accountability.You must align and coordinate your expectations, goals, and feedback with them.You may have to deal with potential conflicts, misunderstandings, or disagreements with them.

How to choose a full-service marketing agency?

Choosing a full-service marketing agency can be daunting and challenging, as there are many factors to consider and options. However, here are some of the steps that you can follow to make the process easier and smoother:

  1. Define your marketing goals and needs: Before you start looking for a full service marketing agency, you should have a clear and realistic idea of what you want to achieve and what you need from them. You should also have a budget and a timeline for your marketing projects.
  2. Do your research: Research and learn more about the full service marketing agencies you are interested in. You should look at their website, portfolio, testimonials, reviews, awards, and certifications. You should also check their online presence, reputation, and credibility on social media, blogs, and forums.
  3. Contact and interview them: You should contact and interview the full service marketing agencies you have shortlisted. You should ask them relevant and specific questions about their services, processes, methods, results, and costs. You should also ask them for references and case studies demonstrating their experience and expertise in your industry and niche.
  4. Compare and evaluate them: You should compare and assess the full service marketing agencies you contacted and interviewed. You should consider their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as their fit, compatibility, and chemistry with your business. Consider the value, quality, and ROI that they can offer you.
  5. Make your decision and sign the contract: You should decide and choose the full service marketing agency that best suits your marketing goals and needs. You should also sign a contract that outlines the scope, duration, deliverables, expectations, and terms and conditions of your marketing projects.


A full service marketing agency is a company that provides a wide range of marketing services under one roof, including both online and offline marketing. A full service marketing agency can offer you many benefits, such as saving time and money, accessing a wide range of skills and talents, achieving your marketing goals, and scaling your marketing efforts.

No one-size-fits-all here! You should research, contact, interview, compare and evaluate them, and carefully decide and sign the contract.

Suppose you are looking for a full service marketing agency to help you grow your business online. In that case, consider Pipeline Velocity.  

Pipeline Velocity is a full service marketing agency specializing in modern marketing solutions for B2B and B2C businesses. Pipeline Velocity has a proven GTM framework can help you activate and accelerate marketing channels like email, SEO, SEM, PPC, social media, website, lead generation, and ROI-backed marketing.

Contact PipelineVelocity.com today for a free marketing consultation and quote. 📞

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between a full service marketing agency and a digital marketing agency? 

A full service marketing agency is a company that provides a wide range of marketing services under one roof, including both online and offline marketing. A digital marketing agency is a company that specializes in online marketing services, such as SEO, PPC, social media, and email marketing, with a focused niche on one or two services.

2. How long does it take to see the results of hiring a full service marketing agency? 

The time it takes to see the results of hiring a full service marketing agency depends on the scope, duration, and goals of your marketing project, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the agency. Some marketing results, such as PPC and social media, can be seen immediately or within a few days or weeks. Some marketing results, such as SEO and content marketing, can take longer, from a few months to a year or more.

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Sadan Ram

Marketing Minesweeper. Join me in uncovering the hidden gems and pitfalls in digital marketing to help businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape.

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